IoT Security Challenges to Overcome in 2021

We live in an increasingly connected world where most of us all know and can recognize the dangers of the new ecosystem developed by the Internet. 

With virtual assistants and various internet-enabled devices surrounding us every moment, we hardly analyze the risks and threats posed due to the Internet-connected devices.

With technical advancements expanding with leaps and bounds, it’s not only us who are connected to computers, but there are plenty of ‘things’ that are in touch with the Internet and interact with/without our intervention.

IoT (Internet-of-Things) is advantageous in many ways where it enables physical objects to become smart by integrating their connectivity with the Internet that generates significant results and new experiences for the end-user.

IoT helps to enable an environment with the flexibility to provide services of all kinds, ranging from home automation to smart sales/logistics and from smart environmental monitoring to so-called smart city services.

Many of us have adapted to live with these highly programmed e-devices, but unfortunately, we haven’t realized that technology has not completely matured and hasn’t become entirely safe yet.

There still prevails IoT security risks, majorly associated with data access and management as well as with the IoT devices themselves.
















Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been leveraged to empower IoT and have been very persistent in delivering the outputs, nevertheless, they still lag behind in keeping the security intact that states the entire IoT environment is not fully-fledged and needs close heed at the areas of improvement.

Biggest IoT Challenges to Overcome in the Year Ahead

#Successful Hijacks of IoT Devices

Reading the term hijack, one can make out that weak security or encryption can get IoT devices on the target of ransomware where malware can infect the integrated system that encrypts and blocks access to the user’s crucial data.

And the hacker then demands to release the access, demanding a ransom fee for unlocking the files. Different types of attacks are planned to hybridize malware and ransomware that aims to cause inconvenience at the user level that could potentially focus on limiting the access or disabling the functionality of the device.

Let me share a surprising instance wherein in 2017 the Washington DC surveillance cameras were hacked and infected by ransomware by Romanian hackers just before the presidential inauguration. The impact was so that the officials weren’t able to record for several consistent days that had a potential effect on their security plan for the event.

Thus, this is a serious concern which must be undertaken soon as people who own internet-connected devices won’t ever want to witness a situation where their vehicle doesn’t give them permission to start or they get stuck outside their house with the thermostat turned to maximum and there’s a condition to get the situation under control by paying a ransom fee.

#IoT Botnets Targeting Crypto Cash

Where cryptocurrency valuations gain traction, hackers around the world have been enticed with the crypto-craze and were curious to break the chain of blocks challenging the authenticity of the blockchain technology. 










The vulnerability here is not on the technology rather blockchain app development that requires robust encryption algorithms to provide a shield towards data loss. As social engineering is always used to extract usernames, passwords, and private keys, this gives an alarming signal to the developers to be alert of the hacking of blockchain-powered apps.

Manipulation of crypto data, blockchain breaches, and IoT botnet miners pose a huge risk of disrupting the crypto-market and further raises questions on the resistance of blockchain towards such attacks via hackers.

The gaps must be filled and platforms relying on Blockchain technology must find out solutions to prevent the chances of data leaks from such a powerful system of the chain of blocks.

#Home Invasions

With IoT devices being part of almost every home, this adds up to the fear of rising cases of home invasions as they pose a real tangible danger to the lives of people.

Accommodating smart devices we have established smart homes that promote the phenomenon of home automation accompanied by the risks of poor defense mechanisms and broadcasted IP addresses.

With this, it gives hackers an upper hand to locate the IP addresses of the masses and carry out their criminal activities with ease or they may forward this crucial information to underground websites.

Moreover, if a person uses any IoT device in the security system then maybe at massive risk of witnessing a situation of devices making compromises, thus leaving your residential area facing a potential risk.

#Remote Access to Smart Vehicles

Many us of have heard about smart cars, self-driving ships, trucks, etc. and some of us might own them too. Vehicles are made smart today with the integration of the Internet of Things which also enhances the risks of hijacks of these so-called smart vehicles.

With malicious intrusions in the software, one may lose access to its smart vehicle remotely and might end up compromising the autonomous capabilities like on-road vehicle detection, self-driving, denying access to geographical maps, and many others.

This can have further pose fatal risks to public safety causing accidents and could also be subject to ransomware where the person may end up paying a demanded fee for unlocking the capabilities of his vehicle.

#Hampered Data Security & Privacy (mobile, Clod, Web)

Data is continuously generated, harnessed, stored, processed, and manipulated making the best use of e-devices whether they are AI-enabled or IoT-powered. (Virtual assistants, thermostats, connected printers, lighting systems, robots, etc.)

And surprisingly, user data is shared, broadcasted, and even sold to companies violating the legal rights of data security and privacy. Hefty compliance rules must be applied to halt the unaccepted practices done.

IoT-enabled devices supporting mobile, web, and cloud services must adhere to the privacy policies and must work in accordance with data security compliance. Companies must progress secure mobile app development, web-based IoT application development, and Cloud integration preserving the privacy rights of the user in order to avoid a major risk of data breach or threats.

IT and software development companies must encourage multi-layered data management and security.

[Prefer Reading: ‘BI and Data Visualization: Everyone’s Game Revolves Around Data’]

#Unreliable Internal Communication

There exist many IoT-powered devices that are weak when looked at from the angle of data security and are low in providing authenticity.

Such devices send/receive information without encrypting the information and pose high risks of hijack while data transmission. This calls for enterprises to ensure user safety while incorporating the highest level of data encryption and security among cloud security and other electronic devices.

One solution is to use transport encryption or TLS standards that ensures that data transmitted is secure and confidential.


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