Top Mobile Game Development Tools to Learn About

Ever since the mobile industry started to expand, e-devices gained traction and now is the time where tablets and smartphones have become usual and mandatory stuff like basic home appliances.

Thus, this brought good news for the industry and mobile gaming development where the everyday technological advancements have opened amazing fields for gaming and entertainment. With the advent of any evolution, there arises the wave of competition that broadens with time and grabs the heat with the everyday inventions.

On present grounds, if we talk about mobile gaming it is very hard to be noticed with an average product or game in hand as success embraces you if your desirable game supersedes all with greater means and extraordinary potential to boost the user experience.

Whether a mobile app or a mobile game, engine, and graphics are as crucial as gameplay and storyline and for a game to cross the checklist points there is a need to obtain sustainable development tools for your game.

If you are looking for a software tool to help you create mobile games, you have a wide variety of tools at your disposal. Significantly, it is essential to know that the use of one or other tool depends upon the complexity of the project as an advanced game’s creation doesn’t share its traits with that of a simple one.

Let’s get familiar with some best-known mobile gaming tools, each of them has different characteristics and functionalities so that you can choose the one that best suits you as per the need.

Top Distinguishable Software Tools for Creating Mobile Games

#1 Unreal Engine

[Free Download]

When it comes to software to create intriguing mobile games, Unreal Engine is undoubtedly a top of the range. It’s an advanced platform that serves two major purposes: to create games for mobile devices and to create video games.

Furthermore, the use and implementation of the software are not only restricted to the world of games and video games, it is also a modern technical tool that carries the capabilities of developing great applications within the domain of virtual reality, augmented reality, and cinema.

Another quality of the tool is such that sometimes it is difficult to differentiate some images created in real-time with this suite of tools from the photographs. As in the software download is free, as long as it does not exceed the $3000 obtained per semester, in this case, Unreal Engine charges 5% of the benefits obtained from the monetization of the game.

Summarizing everything said, Unreal Engine has the advantage that it is a top tool for programming mobile games, it is also highly valued at the graphic level.


Many users consider it unstable.

[Prefer Reading: How to Get Started with Mobile Game Development?”]

#2 GDevelop

[Free Download]

“The game engine is for everyone, create games without programming!”

GDevelop isn’t that efficient when compared to Unreal Engine and cannot create complex games like that in its competitor; nevertheless, it is a very good option to create a shooter or adventure games platform without having deep knowledge of programming and other technicalities to use it.

The next advantage to reap out of the popular software is that it’s an open-source platform that allows a lot of flexibility when it comes to customizing the game. It is one of the versatile options available for mobile game developers who intend to build a game, easy or complex, that has extraordinary personalized features of choice.


It does not have a large number of users, the documentation is not extensive, so it is sometimes difficult to find solutions in the forums.

#3 GameMaker Studio

[Paid, monthly/yearly subscriptions]

“A simple tool to create games on any platform that you can run natively.”

For beginners and aspirants who have less experience tackling codes and programming, GameMaker Studio is a highly recommended tool for them.

Like GDevelop, it is a very versatile solution, while not the ideal option for creating super-advanced games, is perfectly valid for creating complex as well as simpler games.

Pro Features:

  • Various shaders
  • Steam and Git integration
  • Integrated in-app purchases and configured
  • Full support 2D spine animations
  • Real-time analytics about in-app analytics

The GameMaker Studio system is based on events, you can customize the elements of the game using the drag and drop method, making it easy to use. You can export the game you have created, directly to the Windows desktop, Android TV Mac OS X, HTML5, Ubuntu, Android, iOS, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

#4 Unity

Unity is a 3D development platform that provides the user with a wide range of specifications that contain everything you need to monetize and create mobile games.

It is one of the most popular development environments, Unity is not only used for creating mobile games, but it is also used in the field of engineering, architecture, animation or cinema, among many others.

Pro Features:

  • Unity development depends on layers where different game objects can be set.
  • The overload of CPU processes may reduce game productivity and lags but batch processing solves the problem.
  • Rendering properties may be edited by the Quality Manager.

Despite the fact that Unity is a high-level tool for creating mobile games, it is free as long as it does not exceed a certain amount in annual revenue; however, users do not have access to customer service or training service.

If you have already been managing the application, you have a Plus Plan with which, in addition, to training you, you can access a very competent customer service that will help you in everything you need.

This is undoubtedly a professional platform, ideal to start a project and offers a complete solution that allows creating mobile games that range from the simplest projects to the most ambitious ones.

In short, Unity is a tool that professionally sounds well and has many resources for learning.


It possesses certain limitations to access the source code.

[Prefer Reading: iPhone Game Development: Turn Your Idea Into a Lucrative Opportunity.”]

#5 GameSalad

[Paid, monthly/yearly subscriptions]

This is a tool to create 2D mobile games and is one of the easiest to use and is a perfect option as a first approach to applications to create mobile games. It works using the drag-and-drop method which benefits those who have less programming skills and knowledge.

Moreover, with GameSalad, you can publish and share your game online on different platforms such as HTML5, iOS, and Android. You can also search for templates in the platform’s marketplace, avoiding you to start from scratch.


It works well for developing a simple game but for complex games, it takes a backseat.

#6 Stencyl

[Paid/Free features]

If you want to create 2D mobile games, this is another very good option, it works through a tile system and hierarchy of each element, so you will not need to have programming knowledge to use it, with Stencyl you can create blocks and write your own classes.

Other things you can do with Stencyl is import libraries, write your custom classes, and create your own blocks.

As for the price, you have a free version to publish on the web, if what you want is Android or iOS, it is necessary to register in the Studio version whose cost is $ 199 / year, the installation is free if what you want is to publish on the web.


It has fewer templates and tutorials than other programs.

[Prefer Reading: “10 Best Strategy Games for Gaming Enthusiasts.”]


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