Technological Trends to Look Out in 2021


Serving the unprecedented times of 2020, we are well known about the contributions made by technology and its descendants who helped us emerge from the crisis in all the big, small, and surprising ways.

With the innovative trends evolving and advancing at a breakneck speed, the IT experts and professionals have realized the need for inventions and reinventions, learning and relearning in the progressing year of 2021.

Challenges and transformations in 2021 are defined by the wide scope of the most relevant topics in technology and are known to set new norms, quickly realigning businesses on the track of succession and progression.

Here are a few tech trends to know about and make an attempt at in the ongoing year.

Latest Tech Trends to Make an Attempt At, in the Year 2021

#1 The Internet of Behavior (IoB)

With many advancements in technology, there comes an emerging concept of IoB that is the Internet of Behavior that simply aims to analyze, understand and monetize all types of behavior captured on the Internet or digital media.

An interesting example would be using IoB to monitor the health of workers in an industrial complex, and determine if they are carrying out sanitation protocols.

Soap distributors can count their uses and determine if they are washing their hands regularly. Security cameras can be used to verify whether they are wearing the masks. Even smart speakers can be used to remind people when established regulations are being violated.

#2 Anywhere Operations
(Operations and Processes from anywhere)

As the name depicts, this paradigm pays laser-focus on allowing companies and establishments to use, deliver, and lend their services from anywhere and make them available anytime while their customers, employees, users, and clients tend to operate remotely.

The  ‘anywhere operations’ modality is followed by the saying “Go Digital, Go Remote ”

A specific example that portrays the context is mobile banking entities since they do not use any type of physical interaction and involve almost all major operations to be executed online.

#3 Cybersecurity Web


Till 2020, we have witnessed a myriad of cases that pose a threat to cybersecurity, the constants during the same were cyber attacks and violation of security protocols. By this, we can conclude that the cybersecurity mesh is scalable, flexible, and reliable to virtual control and protection and allows security perimeters to be defined around the identity of a person.

The cybersecurity mesh allows a more modular response and reinforcement, centralizing security in a structured way. 

#4 Smart Intelligent Businesses 

This trend primarily relates to the contexts of resilience, restructuring, and re-engineering of one’s own business as per the unforeseen circumstances faced. The previous year emerged this trend where organizations were seen gearing up their digital transformation, adopting new business norms and resilient techniques.

Smart Intelligent Businesses in 2021 will be more agile focused and will make strategic decisions based on the information available and data analytics.

In the digital world, every game revolves around data and useful information that derives valuable business decisions that have a foundation laid by robust smart software and tools. 

Improved access to information and analytics leverages the ability of quick responses, allowing areas to react on the spot rather than being interrupted by inefficient processes.

This will resultantly increase autonomy and democratization throughout the organization.

[Prefer Reading: “Business Intelligence: Transforming Data into Strategic Intelligence.”]

#5 Hyper Automation

It is the idea that expresses that anything that can be automated in the organization must be. This allows to accelerate processes, make them more efficient and reliable, leaving room for the organization and its employees to focus on the business.

[Prefer Reading: “Automation: The Big Business Need of 2021.”]

#6 The Overall Experience

By this, it merely means the total experience that involves segments like CX (customer experience), multi-experience, employee experience, etc. that revolutionizes and transforms the organizational results.

Improving and leveraging the overall experience or experience as a whole offers a competitive edge to enterprises and allows them to capitalize on remote work, virtual, and distributed clients. 

#7 AI-ML Engineering

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the two disruptive technologies that facilitate performance, reliability, productivity, scalability, and interpretation are spreading their wings across distinct sectors and spheres.


AI’s market value is expected to raise up to $190 billion by 2025, wherein the global spending on AI and cognitive technologies all together will reach $57 billion in 2021.” 


Artificial Intelligence’s Market Growth by Technology include:

  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

AI’s Market Expansion by Industry

  • Automotive
  • Healthcare
  • Supply Chain
  • Construction
  • Law
  • Gaming
  • Consumer
  • Building Automation
  • Security 
  • Agriculture
  • Telecommunication
  • Media/Entertainment
  • Marketing
  • Retail
  • Defense
  • Fintech
  • Aerospace

The trend of Artificial Intelligence is evergreen where it embeds the capabilities to revolutionize industry norms and change customer behavior patterns via real-time data-driven insights that are further used to analyze interactions to help predict the demand for services.

#8 Distributed Cloud

This was already an ongoing trend during 2020 and takes hold in the ongoing year as the future of Cloud deployments. 


It significantly refers to the distribution of cloud services in different physical locations wherein the operation and governance still remain the responsibility of the public cloud provider.

As benefits, there are scenarios with lower latency, reduction of costs in information management, and help with the laws that require that the information is in a specific geographical area.

#9 Robotic Process Automation (RPA)



The concept of RPA is merely aligned to automate complex tasks, successfully routed to eliminate the drawbacks of failed bots leveraging automation combined with the robust technology of Artificial Intelligence.

Robotic Process Automation is believed to threaten the livelihood of many people (approximately 9% of the workforce on global grounds) nevertheless also known to new jobs while manipulating the existing ones. 

With an increase of 19.5% from 2020, RPA software revenue is predicted to reach $1.89 billion in 2021 and is further projected to advance at double-digit rates by the end of the upcoming three years.

RPA Software Revenue Worldwide (in millions, US dollars)



[Prefer Reading: “RPA & DPA: Applied Science for Accelerated Business Growth.” ]

#10 Quantum Computing

Quantum technology is based on Quantum mechanics which is no less than a revolutionary technology overpowering the present-day supercomputers.

Quantum computers are a multitude of times faster than normal computers and compute in quantum bits (qubits), thereby exploiting the properties of quantum physics. 


The processors embedded in such computers can be 0 and 1 simultaneously thus evolving a state of quantum superposition and by running it successfully, it can mimic plenty of traditional computers working in parallel and deduce accurate results in no time.

This technology has immersive applications to be implemented:

-Secure Communication
Setup quantum communication between geo-stations and satellites

-Quantum Research
Get answers to fundamental questions of physics related to the concepts of black holes, gravity, etc.

-Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Involves faster diagnosis of diseases and developing potential vaccines 

-Augmenting 4th Industrial Revolution
Bolster robust technologies of today like AI, IoT, robotics, and more.

Did you Know?

“The revenues for the global quantum computing market are projected to surpass $2.5 billion by 2029.


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