Big Data Molding the Face of Gaming Industry

 At any moment the most everyday aspects of our lives are affected by big data.

With no exception, the video game industry is advancing with leaps and bounds where one of the biggest reasons for the proliferation of online and social gaming is Big Data.

Today, almost all forms of digital gaming have online segments linked to them be it games hosted on web servers, customers connected to the Internet via consoles, or DLC purchasing, video game enterprises, and mobile game development businesses are able to stack heaps of data every day.


The below considerable stats will help you get a wide idea on how the industry is on the Boom:

-Free to Play games contribute to nearly 85% of the total game revenue.

-Mobile gamers worldwide are more than 2.5 Billion in the count.

-The PC gaming market is predicted to account for a total worth of $45.5Billion in 2021.

-Nearly 79% of the Americans experience AR(augmented Reality) via the mode of video games.

-50% population of mobile users tend to open at least one gaming app in a week.

-The revenue generated through mobile gaming apps is expected to increase by 44% in 2020


Big data has a lot to say in the world of video games, especially those titles which are defined as massively multiplayer.

These types of games are based on facing players from anywhere in the world in all kinds of situations: from the “arena” mode, in which players compete to achieve a specific goal, through team sports games or competition simulators.

The same thing happens in all of these: if a player joins a game in which there is an overly marked variety of competitors with very different levels of experience and skills, the fun is over.

An inexperienced player will be frustrated by being easily beaten by expert players, and more experienced players will lose interest as they are unable to meet players of the same level if you remove the exhilarating competition, the challenge, there is no fun.

To fix things and improve these types of experiences, Big Data acts as a significant key where the use and analysis of data are no different from what is done in a business. Data analysis is crucial for developers to take into account the behavior of different players.

Video game companies can analyze everything from the style and skills of the players to the number of hours the user has played the game, likewise, companies smartly use their customer data to determine how to improve their experience.

[Prefer Reading: “Top Mobile Game Development Tools to Learn About.”]

Big Data Technique used in Multiplayer Video Games

Matchmaking or Pairing

This is the name given to the process of connecting players in an online session and had been refined considerably over the years.

As per the principle, it’s based on connecting players to a specific gaming room with few requirements, or taking into account a few variables where each player is exhaustively analyzed, their skills, their level, quality of connection, and many among others to provide the players the best possible experience.

With the intervention of Big Data in matchmaking, many more intrinsic variables are taken into account apart from the skills of the game. It comes with a fresh approach to player matchmaking by adding an additional layer by including demographics, interests, and style, all in the form of data.

For instance, segmenting the collected data through the game platform, players are grouped based on their mutual tastes, the website they visit the most, age, location, career or education, and other elementary parameters.

By matching people with similar personalities and common trajectories, the gaming experience expands and seems more natural. So to speak, it is exactly the same as physically choosing people who would fit in with oneself to perform an activity.

Nevertheless, the worst experience in the world of competitive online video games is to meet people who have an opposite or antagonistic character to your own. For this reason, Big Data is the key for the next generation of matchmaking, and of course

Big Data Disrupting the Gaming Domain

#Game Design

Data is the biggest insight and in-game designing, big data helps leverage the user experience by using behavioral data.

Games are developed or updated keeping in mind the user-intelligence and their needs and are, thus, made more challenging and interesting by delivering the next-level gaming experience.

Big Data analytics tools are favored and put to great advantage in monitoring and recording user behavior and patterns to analyze how well user games are played and what best can be rendered.

Such concrete and credible insights are used to tweak and improve the gameplay.

The possibilities and potential pitfalls of managing and employing data operations are endless where the need for excellence demands to go beyond graphics and intriguing storylines.

Customer attention is the utmost priority and game programmers and developers must focus on investing time, resources, and money in Business Intelligence which is no less than a decisive weapon in the modern market contest.
[By delineating and predicting hotspots, business intelligence puts an organization’s big data to work on behalf of its product.]

The technique helps to understand and predict user likes/dislikes, off-putting elements (when leaving or not returning to the game), and much more crucial data that is necessary for online gaming to rule being more strategic and undoubtedly successful.

“User-intelligence and real-time data are the pointing nails to hit hard.”

[Prefer Reading: “BI and Data Visualization: Everyone’s Game Revolves Around Data.”]

#Free-to-Play Games

Premium version mobile games are rarely looked upon, especially in the casual genre, on the flip free-to-play games occupy a vast majority in preference. This simply refers to the Freemium business model that lets users play games, use media, software, or any web services without charging any fee. (But additional features come at a premium cost)

With the ever-growing demand for games and the expansion of the gaming sphere, monetizing free-to-play games to the next level is a milestone to achieve which cannot be fulfilled unless we have Big Data behind it.

The freemium paradigm is used as a strategy where users make micro-transactions in time intervals to enhance their mobile gaming experience or have an upper edge over other players.

Using Big Data in the freemium model enables mobile game developers to get accurate and precise, measures and predictions on player behavior which can further help them to optimize the online game experience for converting them to be paid users.

The data insights delivered, give programmers an opportunity to track user behavior and characteristics allow them to see the roadblocks (for stop playing), and the pinpoints (to buy in-game features)in the most comprehensive way possible.

[Prefer Reading: “How to Get Started with Mobile Game Development?”]

#Personalized Ads

Marketing and advertising in the present era revolve around two major phenomenons of customization and personalization. The intent is to be closer to the customers and users, giving them a more human experience.

Using data insights targeted in-game adverts can be created integrating social media accounts and making a more comprehensive profile of a gamer. This is one of the effective ways to generate revenue out of games which in turn can be spent on developing new products with innovative techniques and game strategies.

Smart video games of today are so invented that the in-built functionality tracks the players’ performance using data insights and history to gauge the levels of difficulty. Further, with such data reviews, the major stages where a player gets stuck can be revealed that can be tweaked subtly and modified for an enhanced overall experience

[Prefer Reading: “Right Ways to Promote Your Mobile Game through Effective Marketing Tactics.”]


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