AI’s Interference in Digital Marketing

Despite the futuristic image that Hollywood films left in our memories, it is important to understand that Artificial Intelligence originated back in the 60s, as a simple discipline of computer engineering courses.

But currently, the technology seeks to simulate intelligence and human learning and deep decision-making processes and many believe that machine intelligence will one day overpower human intelligence.

Based on data multiplication, AI, machine learning deep learning are able to perform complex tasks by processing information that is based on more in-depth learning experiences. This dynamic was guided by that which occurs in our brain daily when we process new learnings.

Machine learning is a part of the AI process and has been often mistaken as being similar, is the step that seeks to emulate the decision making made by our brain. At this stage, the algorithms mostly work on self-correction and improving the categorization criteria.

Artificial Intelligence: The Lead, The Need

Artificial Intelligence is changing the present and the future not only in the specific field of digital marketing but is also deriving revolutionary innovations out of the technology. We have AI examples ready to count on our fingertips, say Siri, thermostats, automatic translators, smart-watches, to name a few.


All of them have powerful Artificial Intelligence engines that help provide us with relevant data, information, and content every day. With the ability to collect large amounts of information and then learning from it is a great capability to transform and revolutionize itself.

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way we perceive opportunities in the digital world. The challenge is taking advantage of it, as you go along, so does the ability to use it to improve and enhance digital marketing strategies.

Business Insider reports, 50% of Marketing professionals currently use some form of Artificial intelligence in their strategy while 27% intend to incorporate the technology soon.

So where are you in the race?

Artificial intelligence is a broad branch of technology that builds intelligent engines capable of performing tasks through simulating human intelligence and automating them to a great extent to which it could eliminate manual tasks to obtain sheer accuracy. It is an interdisciplinary science that studies machine learning and deep learning for the automation of types of tasks that routine operations are applied to various industries.

Yes, it’s as interesting as it sounds!

This data is not conscious but its decision system is autonomous and capable of reflecting and interacting with a new level of AI capacity, a practically natural intelligence.

AI Applied in Digital Marketing


Artificial Analysis moves beyond pure data analysis, its evolution is rapidly heading towards its generation as science redefines the ability of machines to make better decisions. For many years marketing specialists hesitated to apply Artificial Intelligence to their marketing strategies.

There was ignorance, fear, uncertainty about results, etc.

But today, if we turn around we’ll see many brands that have incorporated the powerful technology into their decision-making processes. The experience of large brands like Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, and many more shows that the applications of AI tend to significantly increase the ROI of shares.

Amazon uses Artificial Intelligence to show relevant products to buyers based on past searches, purchases, and visits which increases the likelihood that a user will make an initial purchase or will become a repeat customer. Thanks to those AI suggestions!

Today, there isn’t any scarcity of automated marketing tools that create segmented campaigns or automation which are based on user behaviors and their patterns, involving different functionalities, processing large volumes of data in real-time, and thus allowing optimization of all your business operations.

Artificial Intelligence as a part of Digital Marketing is now a reality and offers a variety of benefits and options that we can use to be more accurate in the development of our Digital Marketing strategies.

This robust technology and its applications allow us to have more control over our potential consumers, getting all the related information about their tastes, preferences, customs or purchase intentions, and changing buying patterns.

“Artificial Intelligence enables brands to create and segment highly personalized advertising campaigns with a greater conversion.”

How Artificial Intelligence Makes a Contribution to the Digital Marketing Realm?
Both AI and digital marketing have combined in a positive way. Machine intelligence has advanced to a great extent where automates Ai systems have become more mature than ever and are seeking ways to go beyond its specialties in robotics, problem-solving, speech/image recognition, natural language processing, etc.

The Substances of AI: How it Performs


Marketing involves a customer-centric approach to capture the audience and expand its customer base via collecting and filtering valid customer information.

AI when combined with Big Data, maximizes the accumulated user information, acquires useful insights for target customers, and determines user needs to forge effective and most appropriate marketing strategy.

This behavioral information, next, becomes the feed for AI analysis.


Earlier marketing used to run on guesswork and certain assumptions made on the perspective to target the right set of audience. And this guesswork has been converted into real-time data insights produced accurately and correctly by a series of prediction analysis and algorithms.

A sheer analysis is done on the collected user data to make corresponding predictions which further benefits to make appropriate business decisions while executing marketing campaigns and strategies.


Content and strategies applied over marketing are tracked in real-time. Artificial intelligence systems render real-time data insights and allow them to track the performance of the techniques applied in content marketing and business campaigns.

There are several metrics that help determine how well a piece of content and marketing campaigns are performing. Data insights, to be specific, could be the number of likes, comments, and shares. AI-powered software tools dig deep into the consumer repository and monitor and track their response with related content and running campaigns.

The results can be viewed instantaneously and can be reformed to plan the next tactics and effective methods for exponential business growth.

Thus, these three major aspects of Artificial Intelligence act as crucial parameters that help define the future marketing campaign plans.

AI’s Big Business Applications Running in the Digital Marketing Domain


#1 Content Creation & Personalization

AI is a very useful tool to attract visitors to your page by creating the right content. Thanks to this technology, you can know which topics are the most demanded and the ones that you like the most.

A real example of this generation of content can be seen in the world of cinema.

One of the renowned names of the entertainment industry, Netflix, already uses AI and its power-packed algorithms to create scripts in its series. By recognizing patterns that most interest their users, scripts, and series are created that have a high probability of generating sympathy and good reception among Internet users.

This can be extrapolated to a website in which you are interested in capturing traffic, Washington Post also makes use of an AI system called Heliograf that can write news at incredible speed, and is mainly used for local coverage.

Today the human hand is still needed to use the data and information obtained from machines to write adequate, engaging, and well-curated content.

The combining efforts of both humans and devices can generate quality content on a website and further aid business owners in enhancing their client/customer communications in the most streamlined manner.

Artificial Intelligence can determine the optimal combination of different types of content, and thus the time and resources, requisite to create your campaigns.

[Prefer Reading: “How to Write Content That Ranks Top on Google?”]

#2 Website Builders

Website design is what matters the most when a business needs to enhance its user interaction. Presentation and responsiveness are two crucial aspects in web-designing and thanks to AI which has made its intervention in this field too.

AI-powered website builders help people who lack the needed skills and render them aid for transforming a website. DIY builders do not involve any technicalities and easy to use where they take data regarding the user’s style and preferences and set up a neat website as per the needs and preferences.

#3 Voice Search

Voice search and the algorithm of Google and RankBrain have been the main advances in AI in recent times.

Other innovations that are widely used include Amazon Echo, Google Home, Siri, and Cortana. All of these engines help users to search through a voice command.

The way users search for content has changed, therefore it is also necessary for Marketing Specialists to optimize the content on our SEO-oriented site and start thinking about Voice Search Marketing strategies.

#4 On-Demand Digital Advertising

Systems powered by artificial intelligence can automate the process of creating ads and executing campaigns based on business objectives, thus, making digital advertising one of the most successful areas of AI adoption.

Ad spending in the digital advertising market to reach $355,784m USD, 2020



With ever-increasing spendings in digital advertising and constant improvement in the robust algorithms, marketers can spot micro trends and predict the purchasing actions of clients and meet those who are more likely to end up buying.

Businesses are now able to allocate their budget accordingly as per their target audience. Some of the possible applications being used up today are:

  • Performance execution and investment optimization
  • Ad platforms
  • Segmentation
  • Target audience detection

AI analyzes user data like demographics, interest, histories, and other valuable information that allows you to learn and detect the best user-segment for your products/services where the gathered data becomes the gasoline of the segmentation system.

“Brands use AI to predict user intention and interest, as well as how likely it is to click on an ad and also meet the conversion goal set for the campaign.”

#5 Smart Chatbots

Having a virtual assistant is a very frequent tool in today’s web pages. The use of automatic chat allows you to know what are the most frequent questions users have about your products and services. Knowing these concerns you can solve them with the assistant automatically.

With the power of AI, attendees learn about what questions are asked and how they should be answered appropriately. The answers are personalized spending upon the question, departing from the typical automation of other chats that do not use this technology.

Within the Artificial Intelligence of a chatbot lies machine learning techniques (Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Deep Learning) which no more leaves us frowning upon why machine learning is important
and what potential it keeps in the near future.

Machine learning algorithms can be applied in different fields to create Chatbot algorithms and detect conversations imitating human conversation. With advances in Artificial Intelligence and the rapid growth of messaging applications like Whatsapp, Chatbots are increasingly necessary for many industries, facilitating the communication process throughout the entire Customer Journey.

This allows a business to have the most perfect brand-customer interaction as similar as possible to a real conversation with a human. The greater the interaction of the bot the higher the chances of conversion with the delivery of most precise answers.

[Prefer Reading: “AI-Powered Chatbots: Enhancing Business Communication.”]

#6 Broadcast Messages

Apart from e-mail marketing, AI helps in broadcasting messages from through Facebook, SMS, and other distinct platforms to their target audience in the form of customized and automated messages that brings a brand and customer close to each other.

These messages can be scheduled in a way that they can be broadcasted to reach the audience at the most appropriate time. Along with this, Ai also helps to send a draft and send the bespoke follow-up messages, setting necessary triggers.

These personalized messages are automated, accurate, audience-specific, hooking, and keep high chances of converting users into valuable customers.

#7 Data-Driven Marketing

With the emergence of the streamlining and complexity of Artificial Intelligence engines, different platforms have emerged that help the work of the marketing professional, mainly analyzing and executing actions as a result of the large collection of information from different channels.

Let’s think about all the information available from our users that we are not using: behavior on the site, likes and preferences, demographics, purchase history, applications that you use, and many others.

Now let’s think about analyzing and crossing all that information to obtain data that helps us make decisions and plan our marketing strategy.

Artificial Intelligence makes it possible:

Every interaction that a potential customer or a consumer has with a product or solution is used to make automatic decisions and for future optimization.

After all, it’s all about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

[Prefer Reading: “Business Intelligence: Transforming Data into Strategic Intelligence.”]

#8 Mailing Campaigns

As already said that AI allows you to create customized content and personalized recommendations, the union of both allows you to create a perfect mailing campaign. The algorithms analyze the history of a client and his preferences for your services and personalize the emails in such a way that makes a user feel that the brand knows them personally and serves them on a tray what they need to buy when they actually need to buy.

All the information is collected from online activity to know when that email is most likely to be read and when the purchase intention is higher. Each person has a different schedule, and the best way to reach them with your email marketing campaigns is to write to them when it suits them best.

[Prefer Reading: “Top AI Trends Influencing the Ecommerce Industry in 2020.”]


It is clear that since a time the terms of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing go hand in hand, and it is that we have seen there are many use cases, we would love to see some more exceptional trends and changes to be brought up by the technology in the near future.

Businesses must realize today that all those who are utilizing and making the best of Artificial Intelligence technology will soon make a significant technological leap, making unexpected business gains.


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