Artificial General Intelligence: Is Superhuman AI Too Far to Commence?


Artificial Intelligence is a machine’s ability to simulate human intelligence. You say it, and AI can do it, keeping some exceptions at bay. Learning, logic, reasoning, perception, emotions, creativity, sentiments, treatment, etc. are the actions that were considered unique only to humans but today, Artificial Intelligence has made an interference.


Artificial Intelligence Offers:

  • -More search capabilities with more access to data
  • -Data analysis and data transparency
  • -Enhanced speed, efficiency, and productivity
  • -Wide scope of exploration (for unidentified areas/ideas)
  • -Structure, organize and refine data and data sets
  • -Machine learning to better train the models
  • -Verify the data and validate predictions (to a great extent)
  • -Parse data contextually

  • Ever since its inception, Artificial Intelligence has ruled and overpowered and has demonstrated the high potential to revamp the existing technologies and techniques. We know that AI now has been around quite a while but now fanatics are concerned about superhuman AI.

    Superhuman AI= Artificial General Intelligence!

    To define AGI(Artificial General Intelligence) would be a machine with super capabilities that understand the world, its substances, its people, living beings and non-living things, just like humans, and possess the ability to learn and carry out a range of tasks.

    Even though the concept doesn’t exist presently, it has been imagined and featured in many sci-fi stories, series, and films. It is believed that a day will arise when machines would possess general intelligence where machines will enhance their efficacy and do exceedingly well in performing multiple functions at a time.

    Systems embedded with AGI would generalize in a better way and apply their learnings from one experience to other alike experiences.
    Say, an AGI agent trained to process a language using NLP would be able to learn any similar language having shared roots with common syntaxes. As a human can learn different languages machines would be made capable to act more like humans while gaining multiple areas of competency.

    [Prefer Reading: “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and What Beyond That?” ]

    The Good and the Bad!

    The emergence of artificial general intelligence could be profound and climacteric. A swarm of smart and intelligent devices equal to the brilliant and brightest humans seems fantastic and riveting and could mitigate intractable problems, could perform everyday tasks at a consistently higher level than humans, and much more. But there comes a downside with this too.

    The invention of this combined intelligence could also have some serious negative implications like

  • Rolling the power in hands of a group of powerful companies,
  • Eliminating the need for legal authorities or centers,
  • Empowering surveillance,
  • Underpinning fearsome weapons
  • A lot more
  • It may seem like humans would become an obsolete populace and the army of automated machines would be the new generation in the coming years.

    Are the new AI and ML Inventions Close to Real AGI?

    Looking at the advances made by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms makes us feel that AGI is close. A computer playing chess, an automated device, identifying major ailments, a robot in day trading , all mirage that artificial general intelligence is the next year’s invention; nevertheless, it’s a far-reaching aspect as of now.

    At present, the greatest headway is towards artificial neural networks which is a method deduced by expert technologists to copy the way human cerebrums work with code. There is a lot more in line that needs to be covered by AI that would precisely define and embed intelligence.

    Artificial General Intelligence is a trendy expression that might be a scary threat or be a huge promise as it’s the modern version of AI with more powerful features, it must be controlled with caution.

    From an invention and innovation point of view, AGI seems to be the next big thing which would take time to make a head start. An estimate provided by the experts of its advent is a decade-long, i.e. around 2030.

    But undoubtedly, the development of artificial general intelligence would trigger a series of inventions and changes and will mold the shape of the globe and the lives of people.

    [Prefer Reading: “AI Robots and Their Impact on Human Life:]


    Theoretically, technology may replicate the functioning of a human brain, but practically it seems impossible. Fanatics and many theories agree with the statement and state that capability-wise we are far from achieving AGI and the topic continues to be up for debate and speculation.

    Presently, one thing is for sure that resemblance to real-world AGI is unknowable since nothing of the sort has been created.


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