Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality: The Striking Contrast!

The number of emerging technologies today and the speed at which they evolve have resulted in new concepts and terms that can be confusing or overwhelming. And two such phenomena are that of Augmented reality and Virtual Reality where many of us are still confused between their functions, their use, applications, and
a lot more.

To clear all your hurdles, we’ll highlight all the major differences which are important to know as any time soon you may want to have one of these implemented in your progressing business.



Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality is merely a fight of concepts. There is a big difference that separates these technologies, that is, the use of real elements.
Virtual Reality (VR) has been the “next big thing” for several years, but finally, the time has come to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that place people in the middle of a spectacular imaginary world.
Augmented Reality (AR), which adds virtual elements to a real-world environment, is contributing to the expansion.

In general, let me give a clear picture of both of them, stating two major differences which are the pivots of both the technologies.

Two Major Differences that Form the Basis

#Generation of an Alternative World vs Integration with Reality

A VR (virtual reality) user is totally immersed in a virtual world while AR (Augmented Reality) do not intend to create a virtual world but rather to combine the world we live in with virtual elements.

While virtual reality replaces reality, augmented reality adds information to it.

#Specialized Device vs Smartphone

When talking about VR, reference is made only to those experiences that require specialized equipment, usually glasses with external sensors and a pair of controls. This can be a handicap due to the high cost of these devices.

The AR, however, can be enjoyed on a smartphone, a tablet, the webcam on your computer, or specialized glasses, allowing its use in almost any space and time.

The problem, in this case, comes from the availability of the AR in our smartphone or tablet, any of the low-end still do not have an AR system incorporated (ARCore or ARKit), although more and more models are joining its incorporation.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Defined & Compared

Both should become a big part of our future. But things are happening so fast that the differences Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality can seem a bit puzzling at first.


Virtual Reality is the best known of these technologies. It is completely immersive, which tricks the senses into thinking that they are in a different environment or a world apart from the real one.

With a head-mounted display or headphones, you experience a place of computer-generated images and sounds where you can manipulate objects and move using haptic controllers while tethered to a console or PC.

This technology immerses users in a completely virtual environment generated by a computer . The most advanced virtual reality experiences even provide freedom of movement. Also, s\pecial manual controllers can be used to enhance the sensations.

Its use requires special headphones to experiment. Most of them are connected to a computer or a game console, but there are also independent devices. These generally work in combination with smartphones.

The virtual reality is mainly used for:

  • Create an imaginary reality for games and entertainment (video games or 3D movies)
  • Develop projects virtually so that you can see them before they physically exist (such as applications for real estate or construction companies)
  • Enhance training in real-life environments by creating a realistic simulation where people can practice beforehand (such as flight simulators for pilots.)

[Prefer Reading: “How Virtual Reality Is Impacting the Healthcare Industry?” ]


For its part, Augmented Reality superimposes digital information on real elements. This technology keeps the real world at the center, but enhances it with other digital details, overlaying layers of perception, and complementing your reality or environment.

Pokémon GO is one of the best-known examples: millions of people around the world have been running around with their smartphones in search of little virtual creatures. That is the most vivid example of a geolocation augmented reality system which is one of the types of augmented reality.

If you own a modern smartphone, you can easily download an AR app and try this technology. However, there is a different way to experience it: with special headphones, where digital content is displayed on a small screen in front of the user’s eye.

[Prefer Reading: “Augmented Reality in Retail: Customer Experience Taken to the Next Level.”]


The augmented and virtual reality takes advantage of some of the same types of technology that exist to serve the user with an improved or enriched experience.

Both technologies enable experiences that are increasingly expected and sought after for entertainment purposes. While in the past they seemed merely a figment of a sci-fi imagination, new artificial worlds come to life under the control of the user, and deeper layers of interaction with the real world can also be achieved.

Leading tech moguls are investing and developing new adaptations, enhancements, and releasing more and more products and applications for users.

Furthermore, both virtual and augmented realities have great potential to change the landscape of the medical field by making remote operations a real possibility. These technologies have already been used to treat and cure psychological conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

[Prefer Reading: “How Augmented and Virtual Reality Will Reshape the Retail Industry?”]


The augmented reality enhances the experience to add virtual components such as digital images, graphics, or feelings as a new layer of interaction with the real world. In contrast, virtual reality creates its own world, which is completely computer generated and driven.


The virtual reality is usually delivered to the user through a head-mounted controller in hand or. This equipment connects people with virtual reality and allows them to control and navigate their actions in an environment designed to simulate the real world.

Augmented reality is increasingly used on mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets to change the way the real world and digital images intersect and interact.

The Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality battle does not exist as such, since they do not always operate independently, and in fact, they often combine to generate an even more immersive experience.

For example, tactile feedback, which is vibration and sensation added to interaction with graphics, is considered an increase. However, it is commonly used within a virtual reality environment to make the experience more realistic through touch.

The virtual reality and augmented reality are excellent examples of experiences and interactions driven by the desire to immerse themselves in a simulated ground for entertainment and play or to add a new dimension of interaction between digital devices and the real world. Alone or mixed, they are undoubtedly opening worlds, both real and virtual.

[Prefer Reading: “The Biggest Augmented Reality vs Virtual reality Trends in 2019.” ]


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