
Showing posts from August, 2020

BI and Data Visualization: Everyone’s Game Revolves Around Data

  Data has multiplied exponentially. Every day, companies, governments, and individuals work to better manage their data. Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning, the acquisition of valuable data has become one more element in successful strategies. Every day 2.5quintillion bytes of data is generated worldwide,  90% of all current global data was generated in the previous two years alone. The increasing number of devices connected to the Internet is rapidly increasing data generation. source However, the value of the data that is analyzed most of the time is not high, so, cleaning, debugging, and normalizing data has become 70% of the work of a data scientist. This is mainly due to the complexity of Big Data. Often times, massive amounts of information must be removed in order to meet a specific need. To do this, the algorithms applied to the data must make sense in their context as well as being precise, interpretable, and generalizable. Faced with this situation, Data

Augmented Reality & its Types: Know the Techniques Running Behind

  Augmented Reality is the technology of the present and the future where its applications occupy a broad space in any industry we see today. Many companies are betting on technology whereas for many it is still a great unknown. For unaware people let’s share some amazing facts about AR and get them familiar about its expanding domain: The year 2020 possesses 1Billion augmented reality users. The AR market occupies the current value of $3.5 Billion and is expected to reach $18 Billion in 2023. Facebook, the Overlord, is one of the biggest investors in Augmented Reality. 70% of the consumers keep faith in AR and believe that technology can aid them to learn exceptional personal/professional skills. 67% of media planners and marketers desire to add AR/VR ads in their digital marketing campaigns. Augmented Reality is predicted to put a bigger impact on mobiles against Virtual reality. source Augmented Reality contains information and digital objects in the physical space. With Augmented R

AI’s Contribution to Revolutionizing the Logistics

  Artificial Intelligence can succinctly be stated as the ability of machines to think and reason by themselves. This technology must be understood in a broad sense as when we talk about machines, we can extend it to robots, devices, and/or software or complex systems. When we refer to thinking and reasoning, we are making a simile regarding the cognitive capacities of our brain, not to the fact that human characteristics are provided to silicon and bits, and when we say by themselves, we mean the characteristics developed and provided by their creators to such machines or systems, not by magic or independent evolution. Artificial Intelligence’s Ability The most considerable part that interests us is that AI is the ability of a system to interpret external data, which can be collected directly or indirectly and perform actions, flexible and adaptable, from the knowledge of said data. Artificial Intelligence is generating many new applications in various sectors and environments and sev

Top Mobile Game Development Tools to Learn About

Ever since the mobile industry started to expand, e-devices gained traction and now is the time where tablets and smartphones have become usual and mandatory stuff like basic home appliances. Thus, this brought good news for the industry and  mobile gaming development  where the everyday technological advancements have opened amazing fields for gaming and entertainment. With the advent of any evolution, there arises the wave of competition that broadens with time and grabs the heat with the everyday inventions. On present grounds, if we talk about mobile gaming it is very hard to be noticed with an average product or game in hand as success embraces you if your desirable game supersedes all with greater means and extraordinary potential to boost the user experience. Whether a mobile app or a mobile game, engine, and graphics are as crucial as gameplay and storyline and for a game to cross the checklist