
Showing posts from July, 2020

AI’s Interference in Digital Marketing

Despite the futuristic image that Hollywood films left in our memories, it is important to understand that Artificial Intelligence originated back in the 60s, as a simple discipline of computer engineering courses. But currently, the technology seeks to simulate intelligence and human learning and deep decision-making processes and many believe that machine intelligence will one day overpower human intelligence. Based on data multiplication, AI,  machine learning deep learning  are able to perform complex tasks by processing information that is based on more in-depth learning experiences. This dynamic was guided by that which occurs in our brain daily when we process new learnings. Machine learning is a part of the AI process and has been often mistaken as being similar, is the step that seeks to emulate the decision making made by our brain. At this stage, the algorithms mostly work on self-correction and improving the categorization criteria. Artificial Intelligence: The Lead, The Ne

Business Intelligence: Transforming Data into Strategic Intelligence

Living in the digital world is simply living in the world of data. The modern world of businesses revolves around processing the 0-1 bits of data which is mushrooming at a very fast pace. “Worldwide data storage demand in the present year(2020) is more than 40k exabytes.” With such an exponential figure upfront, do businesses have any solution or system to correctly and accurately manage the heaps of data? source Every business works towards profit and this can be accomplished by making the right business decisions. Business leaders make countless decisions that influence the ways of working and criteria. In the framework of an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment, companies need to find solutions to generate competitive advantages and pave the path for profits of an organization. Business Intelligence proves to be an effective technique here that analyzes and transforms data into strategic decisions that allow entrepreneurs to craft and design successful plans