
Showing posts from October, 2020

A Familiarity with the Mobile Game Development Process

  Video games have seen constant growth in popularity in different social, cultural, and economic segments. Whether for training, learning, or mere entertainment, video games, have become significant and have become a close part of our lives. One can relate it well during the tough times of the pandemic ;-). And with this, a great upsurge is witnessed in the  mobile gaming development  industry which is further expanding with endless possibilities to deliver unique entertainment to the end-users. Video games are everywhere: on our personal computers, smartphones, mobile devices, and of course on consoles. There is a wide diversification of markets, for example, for entertainment ranging from AAA games like The Witcher or Call of Duty to casual games like Candy Crush or Pokemon Go. [Prefer Reading:  “How to Get Started With Mobile Game Development” ] Steps to Mobile Game Development Process The Creation Process There are different factors that influence the process of creating a video g

Enhanced User Experience? Think Chatbots

  With the ability to fulfill any realistic wish of a user, Chatbot is a homogenous digital entity that can be well related to the Genie of Alladin. You want to get service details of a web bot or you want some recommendations on a product for online purchase or if you wish to perform any other smart task from a chatbot, it is there to do justice to your command. Whether serving as a web bot or running at the backend of a mobile application, chatbots have made their existence possible in all industry fields and work spheres where they have excelled in simulating human-like behavior. A personalized chatbot: Communicates through smart speakers Work through popular messaging and chat platforms Work efficiently on smart home devices Connect with a customer through voice or text Respond to customer requests promptly Digital experiences and technological advancements aim at improving the lives of people and become increasingly demanding when it comes to leveraging user experiences. And recip

Survival of the Digitalist: Technology Driven Customer Experience

  “Customer Experience is the New Brand Currency to own on an immediate basis.” Five decades ago, prompt communication was only a dream, and if we look five years ahead it would accomplish the digital dreams seen today. Isn’t it? Customer experience stands at the center of everything a business efforts to do where  Technology  and Data are the two reliant elements a company cannot afford to forfeit. What Customer Experience is all about? It’s simple to communicate and interact with the audience in a contextually relevant manner by connecting with them humanly, leveraging the power of automated machines. What will the future of Customer Experience be like? New technologies incorporating Artificial Intelligence (and its descendants) and audience-based structures will boom the world of customer experience extensively. Technologies Responsible for Reinvigorating Customer Experience #Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Chip in Customer’s Journey As per the breathtaking innovation